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Everything posted by Chrras

  1. Chrras


    Aldren Kelmere is a quite experienced man with his age of fifty-one. Like his father, Edward Kelmere, he was born in a little fishing village on the westcoast of the island of Tahn, the largest island of the Isles of Axios. Unlike the majority of the village, the Kelmeres wasn't fishermen. The family had been leading the militia of the village for decades, even when the village was located in Vailor and before that in Athera, tracing back to Aldren's great grandfather Gavyn Kelmere. Aldren had also been in lead of the local defence of the village, when it moves to Atlas, for almost fifteen years, but that changed suddenly. He had been married with Catherin for more than twenty years, when the unthinkable happened. His wife was murdered while he was scouting the countryside for some troubling wolf packs. The whole village was shocked, but Aldren was devastated. He had really loved his wife, even though she haven't given him a single child. After the first few weeks of despair, Aldren realized that he had to do something. He couldn't think of anyone who would've wanted his wife dead, but apparently someone would. The murderer had surely not stayed in the village, so he decided to put his oldest nephew in charge of the militia, and travel to the capital to find the murderer. Aldren is kind and humble, even though his steel grey beard and weathered face makes him look somewhat stern. He is averagely build, and 5'9'' (175 cm) tall. He isn't that agile, yet a fierce warrior. Aldren is empathetic and likeable, although it takes a long time to fully gain his trust. He enjoys a good brew, but drinks with modesty.
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