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Everything posted by ShibiTCT

  1. ShibiTCT


    Cola’ri has lived in Irrinor his entire life with his parents, who are often away much to his despair. His mother has always tried to tell him the history and stories of the past but Cola’ri has only ever been interested by the culture and languages of the land. He’s always been fascinated with ancient elven language and has often tried to find older elves who know the language – unfortunately, those who know it have been reluctant to teach him so he only knows a limited amount of words. As a hobby he actively seeks out interesting individuals or foreigners and inquires about their culture, charmed by the inquisitive elf many passing through have given him trinkets, most elves try to get rid of him if he ever starts speaking. On occasion, he goes on patrols around the near forests in search of birds and for loose feathers-he never ventures too far. As a lot of his hobbies are dependent on a certain situation to occur he has also tried to take up archery like his father and is getting ok at it (not the best but ok). Cola’ri is skittish but confident if you are an interest to him.
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