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  1. Mr_Consistant


    Yeah I was just starting it from the character point of view. I gotcha though. Shall change.
  2. Mr_Consistant


    Maximillian believes he born the same ol’ way any other halfling was born, from a cabbage patch in the ground cause by a Elder plantin’ it. Ofcourse, he was really born through natural means. He was a stilted child after getting into a chest full of ‘baby brains’. This led Maximillian to develop mentally slower than everyone else because of this he gained a warped view of Halfling culture and a rather strange obsession with pigeons. He imagined that ‘doing the best for the community’ really meant trying to trick con others in order to get riches. This led Maximillian to be adopted into very small (and not very troublesome) gangs. In these gangs he had achieved some of the worst punishments known to a halfling such as the Title of improperness and a few whacks with the shovel. Lately Maximillian has sworn off his bad ways and is trying to be an honest man.
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