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About Kindering

  • Birthday December 5

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    Around, somewhere...?

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  1. Kindering


    While Feek was young, his mother was constantly ridiculed for coddling him. His father died while Feek was still young, and the pair moved to the outskirts of their community. As he grew, Feek became obsessed with redstone contraptions, and swore to spend his life discovering their secrets. With the eventual passing of his mother, the young goblin found himself in a perfect position to pursue his own desires. He began spending many long days in the wilderness around his home, sometimes not returning for days. He began mining his own redstone, and building his own crude machinations. While no where near the expertise of some others, Feek shows a rare patience for the art, which allows him to eventually persevere in completing his creations. Though he tends to not be as brutally violent as most of his brethren, others should beware, as he is no different deep down, he simply chooses a different weapon to express himself, and his anger, the very blood lust that runs in his veins, is not restricted to those his people call “Enemies”.
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