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  1. Anubisiux


    On the 22nd of Snow's Maiden in 1561 Celia was born. She got her name from the Ancient Elven language. Her name means 'star'. Her parents gave her that name because they felt she was a miracle. This was because her parents tried to get a kid for quite a while, but due to the Curse of Infertility this took long. Sadly, both of Celia's parents passed away. Her mother passed away due to insanity at the age of 589 and her father died at the age of 578 because of a training accident. She doesn't trust people easily and because of that she can act a little cold sometimes. Before her parents passed away she had a happy childhood. After her parents passed away, she felt quite alone because she didn't have anyone left. This was also her reason for leaving the city of Talar'ikur at the age of 126.
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