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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Achelois White
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf
  1. AcheloisWhite


    Achelois White has always been praised as a child whenever she sung or joined her schools plays. Her parents always pushed her to do her best in both acting and singing, wanting the young elf to become a singer or an actor just like her grandmother and mother. But unlike the elders in her family, she did not enjoy singing and acting. She much more preferred to practice her swordsmanship and archery with her best friend, Khajag. As she grew up older and explored more of Caras Eldar, she slowly grew bored and wanted to see much more of the world before she got married and have kids. The longing to do such slowly started to peek through as she gathered books about different parts of the world and silently sang songs about her need to quench her curiosity but she didn't want to disappoint her family or leave her friend behind. Many years passed and her happiness seemed to dwindle quickly. Khajag took notice before her family, noticing how she constantly had a far away look on her face as if she were waiting for something to take her away so she could start her journey back. He constantly encouraged her to go and explore the world. She constantly promised him that she would but the time never seemed right until Khajag grew ill and later off died. Achelois was only 49 when it happened. It took her a while to get over her best friends death and to convince her parents and Grandmother to let her embark on her journey around the world, especially since she promised Khajag that she would do so. It took a very long time before her parents and Grandmother agreed, saying that it Achelois was being childish and needed her rebellious phase to play out. It would also be a great way for her to find a husband. With that, Achelois left weeks later, gathering all that she could before she left with the biggest smile on her face which is where she is now. Ready to leave home and have a adventure.
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