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Culling Online Precence

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Posts posted by Culling Online Precence

  1. I believe I understand now. I’ve been afraid, almost religiously, of banning someone who was innocent. Why was this a problem? Because it painted every encounter with this sentiment, the lens of scepticism and “proof”. You know, “facts and logic”. We’re playing mineman and it’s time we treated it less like a simulation of justice and national policing and more like an online game. An online game the equivalent of being at a middle- or high-school.

    This statement, is a very bold statement indeed. To imply that you should not attempt for the innocent to be given a fair and just appeal to their case is quite frankly disgusting to me. There is a common statement that I still believe in to this day: "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer". Does this mean that people should not be banned for wrongdoings? No, No it does not, however it does mean, that everyone, EVERYONE should have the chance to show their side of the story. It should never be a one sided ordeal.

     In the first, an innocent player is denied access to LotC services. They find a job, maybe get into a relationship. God knows, maybe they exit the house and make some friends. (I’m kidding). I might be tongue in cheek but the point is, they can’t play a game.

    As much as I’d like to say that this is true, I must also remind you Telanir, that most people use this server to escape the harsh reality of the real world. When I was banned, I spiraled into a suicidal depression as I was ripped from my fantasy and placed in the real world. I personally, suffer from autism, and I had used the server to be someone I wanted to be, but never could due to a mental condition that is out of my own control.


    I never wished for this to become public, however due to the current situation at hand, I believe it should be. I was banned recently, maybe a few months ago, for “Manipulative behaviour and Harassment”. The problem with this is, I never receive any proof of my wrongdoings, any proof of what I said, what I did. If I were to have been given the evidence of my wrongdoings, I would have gladly accepted my ban, and would have worked to improve myself; To assure I become a better person and learn from my mistakes. However, this proof was never given to me, and when I asked for said proof, I was simply told that I was not able to know who I hurt, or what I said. This was because I may have “Targeted the Victim” and that they wished to remain anonymous. So I was banned, with no way to know what I did wrong, and no way to apologize to those I had hurt. To imply that everyone that has made a mistake on the server was doing it with malicious intent, is frankly disgusting... Again, not saying that they shouldn’t be banned for it, but to not show sympathy to them? That’s quite frankly fucked. I just wished, that my case was handled much differently, I wish I could have at least said my side of the story, but this did not happen. 

    TL;DR: I was banned, and felt like I should have at least been able to know my mistake.


    A Final note on the matter, I must thank @ibraheemc2000 for helping me get through that suicidal depression and regret that came with my initial ban.


    P.S: I did attempt to make contact with Telanir through his email, to talk about my ban in a private manner. However seeing as he hadn’t responded after a week of waiting, I felt it was gair for me to talk about this publicly.

    P.P.S: It’s been a few months now and my ban is almost up, Telanir still has not responded in that time.


    Edit 11/20/23: Maturing is looking back on your words and seeing how ******* batshit insane you were. Jesus Christ the self pity in this post is palpable.

  2. Hey, Do you mind like... Changing this up a bit? This seems to be very similar to Qalasheen culture as a whole. The religion is very different but there seems to be a lot of overlap in armor, foods, weaponry and over-all culture



  3. (Please do not metagame any of this, This would be a story that Menev Eredil would tell if asked about the events transpired; Do note that this is not Ali’s PK post. Edit: Screenshots are fine if you click on them, otherwise you cant read them.)

    Due to some incidents within the Holy Orenian Empire, it had been declared that Ali Bibi Shasheen, the Al-Wazeer of the Kadarsi Caliphate, had committed treason to both the Holy Orenian Empire and the Kadarsi Caliphate. After being detained and held for an extended time, Ali was killed and declared an undead by the Empire, the latter status unbeknownst to the Caliphate itself. Believing Ali to be dead, the Caliph Abbas Kharadeen, his brother Osman Kharadeen, and the Caliph’s advisor Menev Eredil decided to clear out Ali’s shop and his home above it. The next few moments are from Menev Eredil’s perspective.


    Abbas, Osman, and Menev gather outside of Ali’s abode, preparing to search it and clear it out.



    After half an hour of searching, the three come across a door that would, if unlocked, lead to Ali’s house.





    Seeing the seemingly dead Ali stand right before them, Abbas did the first thing that came to his mind.



    Abbas and Osman would proceed in their (failed) attempts to render Ali unconscious.




    Ali, seeing that his death would be imminent, would say his last goodbyes to the Al-Mahdi as his good friend, Auda Kharadeen. 




    After subduing Ali, Abbas and Menev would move down to the execution room, of Ali’s own design. Osman and Ali following swiftly behind.




    Placing Ali within the Kadarsi execution machine, Abbas and Osman prepared to finally end Ali, but not before one last wish...











    In the end, a good man, fell victim to his own foolishness, and such foolishness must be severed at the roots to prevent others from following suit, and Ali Bibi Shasheen received his final punishment. May we all learn from his mistakes, and may Allah have mercy on his soul



    Sa’ad Shasheen would shake his head apon hearing the story from Menev before looking to Auda:

    “Father never really knew how to hold his tongue, did he?”

  4. 3 minutes ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

    MC Name: ibraheemc2000

    RP Name: Abbas Kharadeen

    Team members: Osman Kharadeen,  Sa’ad Shasheen

    Team name: The Crispy Falafels


    Sa’ad would receive a letter by bird. “Hmph, First time I’ve been invited to something. I hope Al-Mahdi doesn’t mind...”

  5. OOC:

    Mcname: PurgeTheUnclean

    Discord: Da Fonz#4727

    Timezone: US East



    Name: Ali Bibi

    Race: Farfolk

    Age: 44

    Gender: Male

    Faith: N/A

    The reason you wish to join: In fear of Ibraheem Allahdeen’s wife.

    Skills: Bartering and Relations

    Subrank you request: Jarraah  

    Profession: Breeder

    Goals: N/A


    Ali Bibi

    (Font will be weird until I can get this on the forums)


    ⸎ N A M E - A N D - A G E - I N F O R M A T I O N ⸎


    Current Full Name

    Ali Bibi ___________

    Birth Name

    Ali Bibi  ___________

    Introductory Name


    Nicknames (Favor to Disfavor)

    o Habibi

    o Effendi

    o Any Racial Slurs


    o Muharib


    o Loyal ; If you end up on Ali’s good side, he will treat you like family and even try to kill entire armies to save you.

    o Suspicious; He is always suspicious around strangers and will normally only talk business to strangers

    o Stubborn; This man is stubborn in his ways and would sooner fail a million times before admitting he is wrong




    (Need to check game)

    Age they appear


    ⸎ P H Y S I C A L - I N F O R M A T I O N ⸎

    Current Race


    Past Race(s)





    Tall and skinny





    Hair Color/Length/Texture/Style

    Ali has short dark brown hair, though it is clean it is usually unkempt leading to always appearing like he just gotten out of bed.

    Eye Color/Type

    His eyes are Brown and almost identical to that of a cow, if stared at long enough may provide a calming sensation.

    Skin Tone

    Golden Tan

    Face Shape/Details

    He has an oval face with massive bushy black eyebrows


    o Scarring ; A freshly made scar on the right side of his jaw that he obtained in a training accident

    o Marking ; NA


    He normally wears whatever uniform the caliphate gives him, though he does have both merchant and peasant clothes


    Fair, keeps Himself in the Good condition.

    Dominant Hand








    ⸎ P E R S O N A L I T Y - I N F O R M A T I O N ⸎



    Personal Alignment

    Chaotic Good.

    Public Alignment

    Chaotic Good.

    Political Alignment

    Whatever benefits the caliphate the most

    Main Character Strength

    Making deals

    Main Character Weakness

    Not very sympathetic or empathetic.

    Good Traits

    o An Eye For Treasure ; Ali has a knack for spotting valuables in junk

    Neutral Traits

    o Suspicious; Ali is generally suspicious of others, making himself look a bit suspicious in the process

    Bad Traits

    o Distant ; Ali typically will say things that may seem brash or have no place to be said, much like an orc. He also does not relate to people or their emotions all the well.



    N/A but goes along with the caliphate’s beliefs


    Short Term Goals

    o Get a house. []

    o Get a job. []

    o Focus on studying the art of medicine. [=]


    Long Term Goals

    o Find place in the realm.  []

    o Get married or find a lover [=]

    o Become High Sarif[=]

    [] Achieved

    [] Failed

    [] Constant

    [=] In Progress

    [-] Not Started



    o Being Poor [Major]

    o Jesters [Moderate]

    o Drowning [Minor]

    o Getting things in eyes [Minor]





    Marital Status





    ⸎ B A C K G R O U N D - I N F O R M A T I O N ⸎



    Mother left him and his dying father for a high elf. He had to fend for himself for 6 long years.



    Current Home(s)

    o Kadarsi


    Past Jobs

    o Theif

    o Scavenger

    Current Job(s)

    o Muharib

       o The tunnel rat of Kadarsi


    Birth Mother


    Birth Father





    o Jangles; Monkey ; A small Capuchin monkey that wears a brown coat with golden laces.






    o Common ; Fluent ; First and only language.




    ⸎ P R E F E R E N C E S ⸎




    Person ;

    Ibraheem Aladeen


    Food ;

    Cactus Green Brownies


    Drink ;

    Cactus Green Tea


    Location ;



    Activity ;

    Getting money


    Animal ;



    Flower ;

    Are Cactus Green a flower?


    Color ;



    Least Favorites


    Person ;



    Food ;



    Drink ;



    Location ;



    Activity ;

    Losing money


    Animal ;



    Flower ;



    Color ;

    ⸎ I N V E N T O R Y / S I G N I F I C A N T - P O S S E S S I O N S ⸎


    Possessing - Given Away/Stolen - Destroyed



    OOC Item? ;

    --- Head

    On his person? ;

    --- Always

    Where? ;

    --- Anywhere


    OOC Item? ;


    On his person? ;


    Where? ;


    ⸎ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ⸎


    Loved - Adored - Close - Trusted - Befriended - Liked - Neutral - Distrusted - Disliked - Hated


    Ibraheem Aladeen, "You better void that." {A father figure to Ali}

    Tasoth, "I don't know about that one chief" {A good friend of Ali}

    Augustin, "Fine, 50 peanuts but that’s the highest I’ll go" {A trading partner that was befriended}

    Mustafa Aladeen, "" {Son of Ibraheem, like a brother}

    Benji Gershon, “I can smell spare change in your pocket” {The local shekel-meister}

    Abdullah kharadeen, “Ibraheem, can we use the gas chamber?” {Current Caliph}

    Auda Kharadeen, "DAMN IT GUYS! LISTEN TO MY KHUTBAH!" {Holy Profit}

    Osman Kharadeen, “I-Is t-that a-a g-ghoul! (talking about ali’s face)” {Son of Abdulla}

    Will, "So what does the caliphate want in return?" {Duke of Curon, and a good trade partner}

    Ashryn, "" {A Janissary in the kadarsi}

    Caiben, "Don't point a crossbow at a child!" {A Janissary in the kadarsi}

    Jarsek, "KEVIN! CLEAN THE BATHTUB!" {Blacksmith in the kadarsi}

    Ismen, "There are no rainbows in the desert" {Fiance of Mustafa}

    Elena Aladeen, "Insert ibraheem **** joke here" {Wife of Ibraheem Aladeen and breaker of jaw}




    name, "quote." {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}


    name, "quote" {relation}



    If you want a relation, just ask!

  7. MC Name: 723ctttt

    Character's Name: Urgock

    Character's Age: mid-20's


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ghosts are copies of dead people, often created due to an unexpected death or lack of religion. Some move on, but some forever roam the world either by choice or by force.


    All ghosts start out as a haunt, and they continue to live their lives as if nothing happened. Due to the nature of their death, they shut out any memory of what happened to them. They act exactly as they would have in life. They have no color other then shades of gray, and have no pupils or irises. They have wounds they had when they died. The more they are aware of the world, the more visible they become. 


    Eventually the delusion begins to fade, and they may see things that don’t fit into their delusion. However, some people can break through to the haunt, allowing next phase.


    Revenants look much like haunts, but they now have pupils and irises. They are aware they are dead, and will begin to be able to develop powers common among ghosts. However, the awakening process can be traumatizing. Some can grow angry, and will become Poltergeists unless calmed. If the Revenant are calmed or accepts their death, they will become Specters.


    Poltergeists and Specters are considered opposites, as the Poltergeist is consumed by hatred and denial. The Specter is at least neutral, and considered harmless unless provoked. It is important to remember that they are still individuals and must be handled carefully. It takes a while to get to either state permanetly


    Poltergeists are red and have an ashy look to them, their eyes completely black. They have been filled with anger for long time, and can throw or destroy objects, harm people and make terrifying noises. They can change their shape at will, and can never go back to being a Revenant. They rarely kill, often seeking to terrify or destroy.


    On the other end of the spectrum, Specters have accepted their passing. They can be mischievous little souls, playing harmless pranks on the living. They rarely harm anyone, and tend to be almost shy. Most will vanish when spoken to by someone they are not actively haunting.


    Ghosts are solitary creatures, and rarely are seen in groups and are generally territorial. Interacting with mortals too often can make one lose it’s ghostly powers. Additionally, they can only preform ghost magic, regardless of what they learned in life. If you see a large amount in an area, something bad happened. They all died horrible, untimely deaths. In certain cases, an apparition may even form, but it is rather rare.


    Ghosts face the same handicaps as most undead, such as gold and paladin magic. They cannot cross gold barriers, and can be banished from a place by a paladin. Building upon mortal interactions, the more they act as mortals the more they lose connection to the spirit realm and grow closer to the realm of the living. They may even lose all the abilities that come with being a ghost, but they are never able to be considered alive. Interactions do not count as random acts of benevolence or malevolence. The longer they have been dead and avoid casual encounters with the living, the more powerful they grow.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:

             I didn’t but I do now


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:

             Yes, I do


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. You walk into the room to see Urgock hanging with a rope around his neck; a suicide. On Urgock’s bed lay a note for the kadarsi, it reads in a scribbled common “Dear friends, I failed you. I tried to make a good impression as an orc. I got far but I lied and cheated to get what I wanted, Acceptance. But now that my lies have come to surface it is time for me to leave you forever. I leave all of my stuff to the kadarsi, hoping that my last act of kindness will be remembered and not my last lies, It was fun while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end. Good-Bye Friends”

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