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  1. Muzlukek


    I edited, please look over it quickly! Thank you so much! @StarGazzer
  2. Muzlukek


    Gregory was born in the proud Kingdom of Haense and worked with his father as a lumberjack. From a young age Gregory was a hard worker, and would often times stay out late at night to get a head start on the coming day's work. Due to the hard work he was used to doing, he quickly became an independent teenager, and went on to create his own lumberjacking company. Around this time, he found a love of animals when he adopted a dog from his neighbour. One day when he was out late at night, he was venting his frustrations about a dispute he had with his neighbour, and rashly cut a tree without making sure it was safe. The tree came down hard, and though he managed to dodge it, many splinters entered his eyes. He was barely found and saved. In disgrace, he left to work in Renatus-Marna, seeking to become a blind knight.
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