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Posts posted by Amaya

  1. Hi,

    It’s been a very long time since I’ve played on here, partly due to school and partly because I just haven’t had the time. However, I’ve been having a lot of free time lately so I will start RPing on here again! That’s all, hopefully this time I’ll be able to keep a good balance between this and school.


  2. Hey guys,

    So I haven’t been playing on the server a lot lately, mostly due to the fact that school has been getting in the way. And as much as I love RPing on LotC, school is more important. Therefore, I’ve decided to take a break so I can focus more on my work. This is probably temporary, and I might come back in a month or so. I’m just not doing as well as I should be right now, and I need to dedicate my efforts to doing my very best in school.

    Hope you all understand.



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