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  1. FakeFriend


    Growing up, tales of old had always fascinated Kyi. Being from The Empire Of Man, he was no stranger to the tragedies that war bring, such as the Second Atlas Coalition War. As a result of injured, soldiers consistently returned from the frontlines, with Kyi usually helping nurse them in exchange for some tricks with sword combat. Cold, calculating and unmoving, these best describe Kyi after his years of torment as a peasant. The toll on the poor as a result of the war is evident as it is in every war. Already having no idea about his past life or any possible family connections, thus leading to his life among the peasantry where he met Bobby Longnose who informed him of his plans to leave the capital. Having not much to lose, and only a sword, dagger and some training to his name, he undertook the job of joining Bobby to forge a destiny never seen before.
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