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  1. Hazaki_


    Gray is a tall, lean man who once lived a manor. In that manor he had a plentiful amount of food and water, along with other luxuries. However, one day his parents who had owned this manor died and left everything to his older brother and rival, John WeLalle. Afraid that Gray would attempt to kill him in order to inherit the manor, he cast his brother outside and forsook him to the wilds. Gray, who was in no way ready to live in the wild, scoured the roads in search for kind souls that would gift him food and water and sometimes clothes. However, as time went by the amount of offerings he would receive waned. Soon, he was forced to hunt and live in the forests of Renatus-Marna. On one fortunate day, a passer-by and citizen of Renatus-Marna found him and allowed him to live in their home. He spent many months there before eventually deciding to go back out into the wild and experience true freedom.
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