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  • Character Name
    Draco Leeunwolf
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  1. JakeDaBear


    Draco hails from the land of Výranni. Draco lived a simple life. Living under the Leeunwolf family roof for most of his life, he was happy. His father, Godric, and uncle, Jerrard, had raised him into a mighty young man. Draco wanted to see what was beyond the walls of his family home, he wanted to see the world beyond. Draco had dreamed of adventure, but had no way to make his dreams into reality. Draco spent years, gathering, scavenging, and crafting materials to construct a ship for his voyage. All the while, Draco had to provide for his family. With furs, food, and materials, Draco juggled the adventure at hand, and family life. After many years, Draco had finally come upon all required materials to construct his ship. However, Draco needed a crew. Fearing of lurking Dragons, and the need for those to sail the ship. After searching for a crew, he found his companions: An old farmer, Jarnborg Skyrila; A Fjyldirsynge, Tyr Barnjyr; And a warrior, Kron Havenstar. Draco and company set out into a new unknown on the Voyage of the Wolf. The company had agreed to part ways once they arrived. The Voyage of the Wolf would lead the crew into a world of adventure, and send them into a journey of a life time.
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