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Posts posted by Clearon

  1. As Deathweaver reads the futile attempt against the immortal army of the undead, his reaction is a mixture of disdain and mockery. His dark visage twists into a sardonic smile as he contemplates the feeble efforts of the living against the might of his master, the Archlich Gashadokuro.

    "A mere handful of volunteers against the might of our unholy legion," Deathweaver murmurs, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "Their bravery shall crumble before the unrelenting tide of death."

    With a chilling chuckle, Deathweaver prepares himself for the inevitable clash, relishing the opportunity to sow fear and despair among those who dare to challenge his lord and master.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Swamp Drinkur


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


          In the realm of necromancy, a necrotic creature dubbed "Ghoul" materializes through the arcane exploits of a tier-4 necromancer who adeptly wields the Rite of Summoning. This spectral entity, amidst its ethereal kin, the Darkstalkers, stands with austere simplicity. Its essence, perpetually tethered to a deteriorating visage, emanates a noxious fragrance, an indelible testament to the accursed nature hidden beneath its decaying facade. Susceptible to the gleam of aurum, possessing a cranial structure easily fractured, and recoiling from the embrace of flames, the Ghoul remains bound by the physical constraints inherent in human strength.

          The cognitive transformation undergone by the Ghoul upon reanimation paints a portrait of pitiable mental states, even though primal emotions linger within. Overwhelmed by the necromantic existence, it succumbs to derangement. The severance of its ties to the necromancer — a liberation from chains — takes place whether the necromancer meet demise for a span exceeding a week — in real life — or PK.

          Ghouls, resurrected remnants of ancestors once plagued by disease, emerge as vessels infused with malevolence, intentionally summoned by covens of sorcerers to enact dark agendas. Their corporeal form, permeated with decay, emits a repugnant odor, void of the vitality of blood and organs. Despite their macabre exterior, Ghouls, resembling mere echoes of their mortal selves, engage in tasks reminiscent of bygone lives — a spectral pursuit devoid of sustenance.

          Yet, Ghouls find themselves ensnared in the shadows cast by their spectral counterparts, the Darkstalkers, grappling with a propensity for rage and envy toward the living. Stripped of mortal coils, they teeter on the precipice of psychological afflictions, such as schizophrenia or manic tendencies. Devoid of empathy, Ghouls exhibit no mercy or kindness, their allegiance irrevocably sworn to the sorcerer who summoned them, oblivious to sentiment nuances.

          Memory, a fractured tapestry of a bygone existence, becomes a final blight on Ghouls' unhallowed resurrections. The shroud of amnesia veils once-familiar faces, reducing cherished interactions to fragmented echoes. Yet, their ghastly visage is not devoid of spectral allure, as Ghouls, on rare occasions, may sever their bonds of servitude, wandering aimlessly with a semblance of autonomy.

          The necrotic revival, encapsulated in the Rite of the Returning, bestows transient life upon Ghouls, but memory loss endures as a testament to their spectral existence. Vulnerable to aurum, averse to flames, and fragile against blunt attacks, Ghouls navigate a perilous existence, their focus dwindling amid engulfing flames, rendering their attacks futile and erratic spectacles.

          The Ghoul emerges as a forlorn entity, entangled in the intricate web of necromantic machinations. Its existence, characterized by decay and subservience, weaves a haunting tapestry driven by malevolence and demise, ensnared in the sinister designs of its arcane creators.

          Deathweaver perished while on a commission with his group, engaging in a battle against a gigantic bird. The task assigned to the Order by Cap’n Adanthir was to obtain the feathers of the bird. As the battle unfolded, in an attempt to bring down the creature by leaping and attacking its left wing with a morningstar, Deathweaver was struck by the stray javelin of one of his companions — Hemlock — causing him to lose balance and be struck by two talons of the large bird, leading to his demise. His companions, cursed be they, devoid of any empathy, plundered what they needed from the site and left Deathweaver's body to decay, intending to return for it after his death as they recalled the potential to transform him into a Ghoul. The accursed tormentor now haunting him? Swamp Drinkur.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

          To conceal his peculiar visage resulting from an ailment, Deathweaver used a bone mask before his demise, earning the nickname "boneface." However, after his death, a new face was affixed to his countenance, a gift to Deathweaver to spare others from witnessing his unsightly features. Nevertheless, the Ghoul still keeps his old mask, donning it when venturing out of Hexicanum to torment the living, a symbol of his lingering presence in the world.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             I don't


    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course


    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?

             I am


    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             Not at all

  3. Deathweaver, risen from the ashes, reads the missive with a chilling smile. His left eye, a brilliant yellow, seems to gleam malevolently from behind his bone mask. Adorned with a dark crown and cloaked in his hooded mantle, he absorbs the grim tidings. A sinister foreboding hangs in the air, and he embraces the ominous destiny that awaits.


    Meanwhile, Deathweaver's spectral silhouette flickers ominously, hinting at a looming resurgence, while his crown and bone mask cast eerie shadows.

  4. 307443_Steelguardcoatofarms1.png.b4f5040cdd2f42f7e6a0f5b7ffc480a6.png

    Clearon Steelguard of Redclyf was in the midst of his fencing practice when he received word of the new treaty. Although he was not consulted prior to the treaty, he was pleased to learn that his family had been granted new lands and autonomy. He paused for a moment to consider the implications of the treaty, and then began to think: "Does this treaty allow us to expand our territory by annexing enemy lands through force? Although I have no complaints about the agreement, I would like to clearly understand its terms."

    Clearon Steelguard of Redclyf, The Last Steelguard of Almaris

  5. pibeoSY_1p3mSVvTH2vuC9ABbUhT9YDyCouuR4BQO2CY6o0V11RYIvdeolfan0CS0aW2GEiirWv2epljnPueDLEOHW1EPNN2DCYRNpfWDJWq7dAZ_KqVVGyrVrSyKvZjt7VztIWP

          1. Lair PRO MC Name:


    Clearon Steelguard.


          2. Lair Name:



    It can be called "The Steelguards" anyway, since they own it.


          3. Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map):


    The Barony of Krew (just).



          4. Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum):


    4.1. Before the events in Almaris:


    4.1.2. Steelguards background:


    Coming from another Continent, some Steelguards begins their mission in a land unknown to them, a land that a while ago no one from the place they came from knew about. To make a reconnaissance, some brave elite of the family and still young were ordered to come in various groups composed of members of the great Steelguard family and due to a storm, the dozens of Steelguards ships came to sink, leaving only a few alives. Clearon, the new Lord of Krew was one of them, as so, he’s the one leading the Steelguard’s family in the lack of a better and older member. There were more than one ship, so it could be that other Steelguards are still alive. It’s for this reason Clearon Steelguard takes action, getting a place so that other Steelguards could have known about it and come looking for Clearon and other family members. Without the guide who led the expedition and would make it possible for the group to return back because he was dead and the other members didn’t know the way back, they began their journey to survive in this new land, because returning to their home was not possible. The mission had failed and the Steelguards was alone, but at least alive.

    The Steelguard family is the most powerful family on the Continent from which they came. A family made up of masters of the sword, this fame came from a few swordsmen from this family who stood out, making the Steelguard name feared and respected. The biggest reason for the rise of this family was a guy, Lazekan Steelguard. The Lazekan Steelguard would have the strength to frighten an entire Empire, being ranked in swordplay as legendary. After him there's his son, Lavadan Steelguard, who would have the heroic rank, just one rank below the legendary, and his grandson, Erun Steelguard, who would surpass both.

    A few years passed and several other talents emerged in this family until Clearon, the actual family leader of Steelguards at Almaris, was born. Obviously Clearon couldn't be compared to the monsters that were born before him, but Clearon wouldn't lag behind many of his countrymen. Clearon could already use Aura at the age of 18, which made him one of the elite of the family, but had no aptitude for magic. Well, he's from a swordsmen family, not magicians. His real strength lay in his physical abilities and skill with the sword. That’s why he’s fit for being so.

    After the Steelguard family found out about the existence of a new Continent, the family's strategists requested more information about these lands before taking action. The mission entrusted to the young Steelguards was to only make a reconnaissance, trying to find the existence of other peoples and the dangers of these hidden lands. The mission would take an average of 6 months to complete before they could return home. But a mission that would take months turned out to be a mission that would take years. And now the ones of the respectful Steelguard family would be the ones of an unknown family on this Continent, a bunch of nobody. Their mission now would be no longer to do just reconnaissance, but to grow their family name strong and make the fear the surname Steelguard gives on the other Continent to be the same in those other lands and also looking for other survivors of that storm.


    4.2. After or at the middle of the events in Almaris:


    Clearon Steelguard, an oathed man in Haense's army, would have been traveling North to visit his colleagues of Clan Sigvardson. So then, after he takes his leave from Clan Sigvardson, he was notified by a member of Clan Sigvardson that a keep nearby would stay empty, as if the owners would just head off leaving nothing behind. For that moment, the keep that would protect something with those tall walls was nothing but a ghost keep, with its doors and gates open and nothing of value left behind. It is through his own personal goal of becoming a lord and making the name of Steelguards something of worth in Almaris that the greed to do so comes to his mind. And with such in mind Clearon marched luggage in hand to the unoccupied keep to establish a new home for him and the Steelguards there. The renowned The Barony of Krew would just become The Steelguards. Sometimes it could be called Clan Steelguard, other times it could be called House Steelguard. But for the sake of simplicity, it was just called The Steelguards.

    Several reasons led Clearon to seize that keep. Speaking of one reason, we have Clearon's greed to one day end up becoming the head of the Steelguard family. It would certainly be a difficult task, as the competition on the Continent where the Steelguards reside does not favor a member with such a potential to be someone, but still far from being the one who would shudder their enemies without having to use the Steelguards name. It would not be enough to be a genius to lead the family, much more was needed, Clearon lacked achievements. That's why Clearon sees an opportunity to lead the Steelguards, even if they are the poor and lost Steelguards on an unknown Continent. To do so, Clearon uses the information he has received about an unoccupied keep and the help of Clan Sigvardson to establish at least a small foundation for the Steelguards to start on their growth in the Continent of Almaris.

    The Barony of Krew, now called The Steelguards, was in disrepair, with wooden walls and its houses burned. The Steelguards' makeshift shelter would still need a lot of changes and tasks to be done to be able to call it a lair, from repairing the burnt parts of the keep to reinforcing the frayed walls, or replacing them with stone walls. Well, it wouldn't be an easy task in the current situation of Clearon and the Steelguards. So not much would be done, other than putting out the flames and fixing the houses so that at least it was possible to sleep inside. In the near future plans to change territory and build a better keep or replace walls with stone walls might be convenient, but not yet for the devastated Steelguards.

    The second and very important reason Clearon seized The Barony of Krew was for the survival of him and the other Steelguards. It's common sense that the Steelguards are known to be an arrogant type of people. But it’s not for this they're going to split up and wait for the death of the family. To survive on a Continent where they are not respected and feared, the Steelguards need to be together and plan their actions to have a better chance of not dying without a funeral and perhaps they can even be able to return home. It's that famous saying, a stick alone is easily broken, but when one put several sticks together the outcome is different. Therefore, The Steelguards would be a point that would catch the attention of any lost Steelguard, making them go to the place and find out why the place keeps the Steelguards name. And so to gather all the Steelguards that are still alive wandering through Almaris in a single place, The Steelguards in addition to serving as a shelter for them would be their meeting point.


          5. Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required):


    Nothing is going to change.


    The entrance:




    Lord’s Hall:






    Rally store:



    Burned house that should be restored:












    Secret entrance:






    Krew photos:








          6. Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’).


    The lair is unoccupied and losing its prestige as a building that would serve to protect something and right now is protecting anything. It’s perfect for being occupied by someone. And the Steelguards need a lair that is not subservient to any Nation. After all, joining a Nation means fighting its wars. While some Steelguards could join hands with any military, those who refrain from doing the same need a neutral territory to stay in so that they can fight for the Steelguards and not for a Nation that is not ruled by the Steelguards. Generally speaking, Steelguards will not submit to any Nation.


          7. What does this lair add to the greater world around them?:


    In the course of time everyone has seen many battles fought due to disagreements between ferrymen and the three nations of the tripartite coalition. This enriched the LOTC roleplay, where there was a small keep impacting the entire LOTC universe. Small lairs make a lot of difference when talking about events in general. Not having an owner for the Krew would be a waste of good events that could happen for whatever reasons, from battles, diplomatic actions, etc. That's why the Steelguard family, which still has its very high potential for development, having been born just a month ago, could make a plethora of contributions to LOTC geopolitics if it receives at least a lair like Krew. The directions the Steelguards can take Almaris are still unpredictable, as they are not a family with their tails attached to any Nation and the amount of Steelguard that could end up being shipwrecked in Almaris is still undefined.



    By order of the Steelguards


  6. Clearon Steelguard would be finishing his sword training when he receives the formal summons for the military tribunal, as he laughs shouting: "Hahaha, will I be judged for taking a territory, as if I'm betraying Haense and not suppose expanding its lands? What's going on in Lord Marshal mind?"




  7. pibeoSY_1p3mSVvTH2vuC9ABbUhT9YDyCouuR4BQO2CY6o0V11RYIvdeolfan0CS0aW2GEiirWv2epljnPueDLEOHW1EPNN2DCYRNpfWDJWq7dAZ_KqVVGyrVrSyKvZjt7VztIWP

    The overtaking of Krew


    Circa. 14th of Sun’s smile, 71 SA

    A missive would be spread around all over the North by couriers of clan Sigvardson and clan Steelguard.

    Clearon Steelguard, with his clan and retinue in hand would be on a routine ride throughout the North, from Haense to Norland. However, this time it would be reported to Clearon, by a member of clan Sigvardson, an empty keep had laid in wait on the outskirts of Norland and near the Ferrymen's territory. Clearon in haste would ride to the keep, of which belonged to the old Baron of Krew, finding none to resist him in his path all the way to the gates and courtyard of the castle. Clearon would look around, finding the castle left pristine, as if someone still had resided there, yet to no avail every home, every corner was searched and none were to be found.


    The reality of the situation had come over Clearon and his men that they had now become owners of the keep they stood in. They in no time had taken over every part of the keep, every home, every bed, nothing being left. A new banner would be spread over the walls, and the new Lord, Clearon, would begin to do a merry dance along with his men.



    Clearon and his merry men doing a joyous little dance and song


    Clearon would soon after retreat away to his new quarters in the keep and thus scribe this very message, and a few others in part to be spread to the following lands of Haense, The Ferrymen Keep, and Norland so they may now know of the new Lord of Castle Krew: Clearon Steelguard.



    Clearon Steelguard, Lord of Castle Krew


  8. At Haense's gates, the hunt of the century was about to begin.
    As the 7 hunters head straight through the forest, find the hunt by following its tracks was no problem to attain.


    Leading the way said Mister Juliyus: "Everyone keep an eye out, this deer is a mean bastard".
    And so the 7 adventurous went in search of the legendary hart.


    The party followed a bunch of hunting dogs trying to found the quadruped.
    The traces of that great stag's destruction for wherever it did goes were drooped.


    As the hunters moved deeper into the forest, the marks of a large beast's passage became increasingly noticeable.
    The marks seen on a dead direwolf done by a large horned beast was visible.


    The sounds of a massive beast could be heard thundering across the forrest.
    So goes the brave group following this fuss that sounds bloody abhorrent.


    As the party rides up the hill they come across Gambi, the chonky ******* deer.
    And because the sudden appearance of a centenary animal, the hunters are just staring the giant stag for a few seconds, freezed, but not by fear.


    Gambi the morbidly obese stag paws the ground before letting out a moo and lowering his horns charging for the nearest riders to it with his massive rack of antlers.
    Then they manage to come their senses to react against the enemy tries of slaughters.


    Gambi swings his head slamming into Mister Cole with the full force of a morbidly obese deer.
    Fortunately, due Mister Cole's armor and strength he could beare.


    Mister Godric pulls the horse up closer, thrusting his sword in an attempt to stab the creature.
    Such an attack greatly managed to sinks the sword into deer's femur.


    The great Gambi charges forward slamming into Juliyus's mount which screamed as it threw him from his horse.
    After that, his spear remains in his hand but he ends up dislocating his shoulder because the impact force.


    Mister Cassio, in order to cover Mister Juliyus, throws his ax into one of the beast's legs.
    It was a nice throw, as it did reduce the beast stamina and strength.


    Hiroto-san moved after the attacking chance given by Mister Cassio with the katana held high near his head.
    And now with this sharpened katana, another painful lunge was added.


    Mister Clearon charges aiming the beast's ankle in order to try tipping the giant cervid.
    And his attacks was successful as two deep cut was inserted.


    After that the deer lets out a great moo as its ankles are nicked.
    Yeah, the hunters' attacks were strict.


    Then a great screech is heard as a streak of black feathers seemingly clawing the eyes of the monstrosity.
    Well, it turns revealing itself to be one of the hunting falcons coming to help the party.


    And we has Madam Catlaya, who could do nothing because she had somehow lost her saber.
    The deer starts going straight to tobble her, but by luck it's when, cause its injuries, the monster body comes to surrender.


    Its achilies tendon snaps, so deer collapses to its right letting out the screams of its death.
    And that's the summary of how 7 hunters surrounded a mythical creature that appears only once in a century managing to cut the beast to its last breath.


    In this hunt there was no one who had more merit or less merit.
    Whole group was united to take down the legendary deer and so shared a communal credit.

  9. At a bloody battle with no way to victory,

    goes Clearon and his group making history.


    Twas 15 tribals against 5 from Norland.

    So how did Clearon and his comrades with their few armaments against the enemy's onslaught withstand?


    In order to protect Dunrath against the bloodthirsty adversary,

    goes the fearless Clearon, at his side his irregular military.


    Enemy warriors came with their torches and weapons to attack the gates of the city.

    But regardless of enemy numbers, the honorable group of knights beat it.


    Leading the cavalry goes Sir Uther, and for his God he squeals:

    "Malchediælis vult! Gloria in excelsis Deus".


    Sir Richard, coming along with Sir Uther, begins to utter:

    "Take the ones on the left and leave the other side for me to scupper".


    Behind Clearon was the archer, Sir Ludvig. Aiming his overpower crossbow, he took a lucky shot,

    hitting the unfortunate tribal in the head, his body left cold as its brain ends without a splot.


    Clearon kills a squad of the bastards and is then wounded by one of the belligerents,

    and in a fit of rage made this unfortunate enemy insentient.


    And the other combatant, Madam Rævna, whom had the more enemies around her, takes down more than half,

    but reaching the end of the streak, when by bad luck her leg is almost cut off.


    Having only recoverable injuries, what would happen in the end of the battle for the noble knights was bound.

    And that's what happens, the entire enemy formation was left on the ground.


    The story ends a happy fable,

    the 5 man army killed the whole of 15 intruding tribals in the finale of the scramble.

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