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About LordTorrin

  • Birthday 07/06/1918

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Vaaka Varis
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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  1. LordTorrin


    Hi @StarGazzer *bows* I have made changes to my application to have a permit in your realm. I shall return to the forest and await a response. *walks off*
  2. LordTorrin


    -Full name: Vaaka Varis, (preferred to be called just Vaaka) -I’m a wood elf born while my ancestors were on travel recovering from a war. -I’m from the kingdom of Valenwood, in the South-West of Tamriel. Which means yes, I’m part of The Bosmer elven clan. -I’m now 100 years old so I’ve just entered adulthood and I’m following my sixth sense to find my purpose in life and come across my mission to make sure my race lives in peace. -I will stay in the woodlands and live around nature like it’s my ally. One day I will become Lord Varis and will lead my people to a better life in the wooded empires and have allies across the whole world with all different races. -I have dreams to one day own my empire hidden behind the trees and to have a fair trade in the farming business, which will grow with our magical spirit. -I’m 5ft tall, have the whitest shade of skin you could imagine. I don’t like jewellery or any types of metal, it doesn’t move my eyes, but I wear the best kind of cloth you could imagine. -I left home and now work for the humans here and there to survive and get by, I never forget about my dream of returning to the forests one day. I speak the human's mother tongue.
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