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Everything posted by NutellaNipLips

  1. NutellaNipLips


    Driflin Vonman was born and raised in Ker’lomi. Once he grew up he had to participate in the rebellion against Haelun'or. However prepared for the fights he was not, as had only learned the basics and never cared to improve his skills or try to learn new skills in all his time. Thus In the coming fights of the rebellion he came to learn he could not do anything and was let to watch as his friends and comrades died in front of him and he couldn’t do a single thing for it. In one of the fights he was greatly wounded after taking a sword to the back. His enemy who did this to him spared his life out of pity after seeing how pathetic he was. He was not able to fight anymore and had to heal will his comrades were out fighting. His pride was destroyed and he felt like he had let everyone down. After the rebellion when his wound was starting to heal and he was able to move again, he started to train with the sword and hand to hand combat so something so humiliating would never happen again. After some time healing some more and strengthening himself he decided to go on an adventure to find the man who left him wounded and prove to him how strong he has become. So he headed out for Atlas in hopes to prove himself.
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