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    prolapsed anus

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    arse shart
  • Character Race
    cave dwarf

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  1. prolapsedanus


    Ulfric comes from a large family of 12 which are part of the tunnelsmasher clan, his mother and father, 7 siblings varying of brother and sister, as well as grand parents. But while in the mountain mining an accident happened in their section of the mine causing a collapse killing all his family except for him although with them gone he still honors them to the death. So after man days passed of being alone and with nothing for him in the caves within the mountain, he left on a journey to an outside world which was unknown to many of his people he has no intention of returning home but instead of making a new home and even meeting some people he could call family in this land. Although he has heard of a place a kingdom called the great kingdom of Urguan so he would like to reach there first for help with knowledge of how this place works.
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