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Posts posted by sami03

  1. As a fellow gamer who likes to shitpost I will give my serious opinion.


    People can get heated and a lot of gamer words fly. These should be forgiven its normal for people to get angry and young people often cannot deal with these emotions.


    If it was just a quick f** slur he should be forgiven with a proper apology. However threating to rape someone over minecraft is pushing a line way to far. Something like this should not be forgiven without an actual apology to the victims. This apology must then also be accepted by the victim, if they decide to block you, the apology was not accepted and you need more time off the server.


    I also like to add that he didnt change. He is already fighting in a war again with properly the same people. If he would have gone to a more chill community like halfings I'd say he'd changed. Instead he went straight back to conflict which will cause more heated gamer moments. (This is only a theory since people make this about war)


    Also people who defend this kind of behaviour with "You only want him banned for a war". Should be banned too since they clearly dont have their priorities right.


    Also unbanning someone because "we all did it at that time" is beyond stupid. We gonna unban all the groomers too since it was hip back then?


    This coming from an actual neutral party who isnt part of any group.

  2. 2 hours ago, Treshure said:

    Abandon the mina system and let players figure out a physical currency to barter with. Let voting mina be converted to a small selection of materials (iron, gold, etc). If you want to control for the amount of currently available physical currency, limit the amounts mined in the mine world/overworld, depending on how you're running it.


    This is the only solution to have a real economy on lotc.


    However way to hardcore for most players and not easy to get into for new players and returning players

  3. 18 hours ago, argonian said:

    1. Overworld mining and resource gathering.


    Agree to a somewhat degree. Dont think people should be able to deforest whole areas or dig massive mines. Prefer the current plugin but not applied to some random spots that nobody knows about, but the whole map outside of towns. Or just add ressource pits


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    2. Caves with dangerous mobs that me n the boys can hunt for mina and loot.


    Agree on caves and random mines. Dont think mobs would work that well since they get disabled after a certain player count


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    3. More armour tiers. Swap iron with chainmail and make have actual iron armour be made from iron blocks or smth, and then add diamond on top of that.


    Completely disagree. Grinding gear shouldnt be encouraged, to get the edge over somebody. Nor do I really see the point of it.


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    4. BUT in return swap back to 1.8 pvp so we stop dying of old age, arthritis, and the embarrassment of telling our doctors we got carpal tunnel from fighting for the glory of House Novellen.


    Prefer 1.8 pvp over 1.9 pvp. The change was dumb


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    5. Remove tiles they literally serve no purpose besides making things worse.


    No opinion on the matter


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    6. Remove most nation/settlement perks and just make them purchasable etc. This dumbfuckery that you can't get a green pillar because you have 50 too few EU4 bird mana or whatever is just ridiculous. 




    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    7. Freebuild anywhere that ppl don't pay up (mina-wise ofc!) to region.


    100% Agree. Its amazing how stupid these rules are. Cant have trade caravans, cant have hidden bandit hideouts, cant have renegades, cant build a road tavern, cant do your own thing must join a nation. However dont think anybody should be able to build.. Maybe have an easy building app so people dont grief or build dicks everywhere.

    Hopefully one day the disabled staff team will see reason.


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    8. A general abandonment of the idea that new player retention is fostered by babying them rather than by giving them agency (freebuild, overworld resource gathering, etc. are very much connected here!)


    Hard agree. People aint gonna stay just because you spray pink paint over a turd.


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    9. Related to the above: streamline the application process. One important example, instead of just telling them to "read duh lore stupid" and directing them to our thousands of pages of mostly out-of-date lore, we should just have a thread for each race describing the basics (the Four Brothers, the original racial nations, major religions, etc.) and just ask the applicants questions that are clearly answered in the thread for the race they're applying as. Or smth like that. In Aegis we just had to know who the Four Brothers were and we could wave away our characters' ignorance by saying "ahyes but you see I come from a distant land". These days noobs have to pretend they came from the capital of Haense and then log in unable to actually find their "home". What purpose does that serve?


    Going big and I agree too. Should also implement lore so that people dont have to say they're from an already existing nation. Maybe have them be refugees from another content..


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    10. Mass rule wipes. Some rules can just be deleted or merged, others trivially made obsolete (instead of banning players for jumping 3+ blocks on a horse... just limit horses to 3 block jump height???), and any and all rules related to RP magic and combat can be deleted too while you're at it.


    No opinion


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    11. Related to the above, mass rollback of Region Owner rights. Just one example: crazy that these ppl can ban "vehicles" (read: boats) in their regions purely to prevent ppl sailing away to safety on their streams n rivers.


    Dont know if that is really happening but if is I agree


    18 hours ago, argonian said:

    12. Oh and stop having half the map be literal OOC demilitarised zones. The whole point of this server is to "deal with it in RP stupid", but then you actually log in and everywhere you go you get a message like "*THIS IS A HUB. YOU WILL BE PERMA-BANNED IF YOU SWEAR HERE))". You're mid-PVP chasing some guy and suddenly it's all like "Papieren, bitte!" because you accidentally crossed into the OOC international zone that takes up half the map. I heard the CT is being moved off map. Good move if so! Never let anyone return without dying please.


    I agree.. But there is no Papieren its Papiere.


    10 hours ago, Laeonathan said:

    I will fight freebuild to my death because if it gets reimplemented I know I will be the one who will manage it.


    Man honest question why are you on CT if you only want whats best for staff? Someone wants more freedom for the everyday player and you someone who should work for the community is against it because it would cause staff work.


    Hope you know this is not a real job.

  4. Why should she get unbanned from a targeted admin ban? Why would admins allow that?


    And why make it a public vote when you didnt bring the evedience that led to the ban? To protect the people that made the claim? Its clearly the guys who are against the unban.


    Twi should stay banned. There is nothing to be gained from playing here. No point in returning it will only cause more mental pain from the narcissistic staff.



  5. 11 hours ago, Knights5544 said:

    How is this a meme? What did I say that's factually incorrect? 

    Smart people can act dumb and nobody will notice.

    Dumb people can act smart and everbody will notice the potential meme material

  6. If you get denied from every team you get the pink tag.


    Usually the real cts are just normal players. When Vortex released CT didnt even bother to write a guide. When I have a question usually normal players answer and not CTs. The lotc discord is also usually pretty dead unless players iniate a conversation. New players are also usually shown around by the average joe and not cts 


    The thing I liked though were the communitymeetings by muffins. But we dont have them either.


    Always saw CT as the useless team that hides behind fake positivity. Think CT members should just be players that are known to help people with no app needed.







    I hope this reaches you well. For many years my friend I was like a prisoner blindfolded, fending of blows from every directions. What had I done to deserve this treatment? Activity %, vortex and nodes. We all had to suffer through this treatment, the normal player more than anyother. Until my blindfold was ripped from my eyes as I saw Twis convo screenshots.


    She is GUILTY.


    Guilty of shitposting. A right that staff wants to strip from us, the average player. In every thread staff members can shitpost, but we? We get a warning for inflammatory content.


    Admins always say they want to make the server safer. But that is not true, they want to make the server safer for THEM. The Admins want to turn this once great server into a playground for little children. Who they then in return sell ingame crates too.


    Ever wondered why the Cloud Temple looks like a minigame lobby? Because thats what they want. A Minigame server to fulfill their greedy desires.

    We must stand up and defend our right to shitpost, before it is too late.




    Thank you for your attention.

  8. Why dont you post some screens of staff targeting caelionr or whatever its called. Both parties are only talking without proof.


    Also kinda sus that certain people start to spam statues once a player gets banned.


    Also sus that a purity elf nation vassals under orks without there being ooc involved. Or sus that any nation declares war without ooc being involved.

  9. 2 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

    answer will be eternally no

    What a manchild response lol.


    Dont think you should be in your position when you shutdown any ideas that are not part of your server vision.


    Whats the harm in having playable skaven? - Less nation activity %? 

    - Another "murderhobo" race (even tho they arent). But the other dark twilight rip off murder races are okay?


    Also musin =/= skaven. Musin are written to lose conflict. Skaven have more RP freedom and are capable of fighting back.


    Dont see the reason to shelf wonks, monke and snelfs  too. Why cant people revive the race at a later date? 



  10. 1 hour ago, Burnsider said:

    When CRP default was first established, everyone complained that it would grind all combat to a halt specifically because there were no specific rules and mod intervention would be regularly needed. In response to this overwhelming feedback, rules were established to prevent that. 

    I am sure that honor crp default with rules will lessen the time when staff is needed to supervise

    Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin

    Or we just add defender default so you can just pvp with people of a certain type

  11. 10 hours ago, Gavin_ said:

    Absolutely, every RP action has some level of OOC to it. The difference is, the entirety of the RP was motivated by OOCly wanting to destroy a community because she didn't like that community. That's the difference.


    As an outsider who isnt part of that conflict it is really hard to see if you just shitpost or are just beyond pathetic.

    I hope its the first and not the latter


    Also thread should probably be locked now

  12. Toxic


    Some people just want to be internal victims. Until even the most minor thing becomes bullying, toxic other buzzword.

    For them harassment campaigns are justified because you disagreed with them and therefore are toxic, a bully other buzzword.


    They put themselves so much into that role, that unfavorable rp interactions can result in a mental breakdown, crying.



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