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  1. Brinnie


    In the land of Atlas Nyla was a single child born in a commoner family, though her parents had wished for more at first they quickly realized that she was plenty to fill their hands. Constantly off the wall at a young age she was often found playing near the warhawks much to her parents dismay as they believed them to be barbarians. Nyla was raised to believe that elves were evil, and that all they wanted to do was to take over the lands surrounding their housing. Though this fear did not overwhelm her, she was also not inclined to enjoy the company of the elves, staying far away and eventually when she hit eighteen she began to search for a home. Often doing card tricks to get a night at an inn, she was a gambler at that time. Eventually she found a home in Nordengrad, settling down for now to help tend the crops and make the best life she could for herself.
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