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  1. DaN1xITA


    Lambert Jameston is a Hanseti Highlander born in the Renatus-Marna Kingdom in the Atlas. He was born into a simple family of Hanseti highlanders with both his mother and fathers support at birth all the way until Lambert's 11th birthday when his parents were abruptly ravaged by a small group of orcs, whilst passing through the Coral Peak while on a walk. Jameston was placed in a foster home and was raised under scarce conditions under the foster home's care. Jameston was kicked out when he became 18. He scraped together enough gold to get himself a basic education. But one day, just north-west of the Jade Peaks, Jameston stumbled upon an artisan skilled in the art of fighting, and fencing. Young Jameston, having nothing else but a backpack with him decided to settle down with the humble artisan, in order to be taught the essentials of fighting and combat, as Jameston always watched the soldiers marching through the city streets when he was a young lad. After the artisan had no more to teach Jameston, he set out on a journey to the capital of Renatus, Senntisten. There he went and signed up for the army. Not long into his army experience, Jameston was wrongfully discharged for cowardice. After being kicked out, Jameston had a profound interest in psychology and politics, so Jameston decided to serve as a political and strategic advisor in a nobles court. Thereafter he retired from his work and at 30 years old he ultimately decided to travel to Curon to seek new work, trading and possibly starting a small and humble family.
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