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    Specter Knight #4407
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  1. NeonGhostGamer


    Lancer is a young man, hailing from the Kingdom of Santegia he is also a Farfolk who had grown up here after his family had moved into the main land. As a young man he loved to practice his swordsmanship with his father becoming very excelling in it. He loved his family and would do as best as he could to keep them safe from harm. A few years pass and he had been older now, travelling the lands as a swordsman. Until word had gotten around that his parents had come down with an illness, wanting to be at his parent’s side he returns to the kingdom finding out that his parents had passed. This was a heavy burden that he had to carry for the rest of his life as he continued his life in a place called The Imperial City of Carolustadt where he felt like he could fit in and live his life as a normal man of his own free will.
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