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Everything posted by AnIrishPrince

  1. AnIrishPrince


    Arlen Gaeorin was born in Taliyna’maehr under, to be polite, not the most auspicious circumstances; and soon migrated with his father to Okarn’thilln in its first few years of establishment. His father was a wealthy High Elf scholar, but his mother was not only a human, but a peasant one, to this day no one knows how or why she was in the city, and shortly after giving birth, she died due to the destabilizing conditions on Axios. Unfortunately for Arlen, his red hair and emerald eyes contrasted too greatly with the average High Elf for him to be passed off and accepted as one, and he instead faced ridicule and discrimination throughout his upbringing. Arlen loved his father, who he hopes had also perhaps loved his mother, and perhaps the greatest curse that he could have been afflicted with as a High Elf was his emotions, he simply “felt” too much to function in the rigidity of High Elf society. After years of torment he reached physical maturity, and with it his darkest hour. He had known a bully throughout most of his upbringing whose family was known for exceedingly prejudiced views against non-purebloods, and this boy was no different. Verbal attacks had increased into physical violence, and one dark night he cornered Arlen with a knife. No one knows how the fight went, but what is known is that the boy was left dead in the street, and on the same night Arlen was smuggled out of the city by his father before authorities could investigate. What had kept Arlen going through a rough upbringing had been the books of his father’s library, and so he resolved in his flight to take up writing, to travel and to study and learn; perhaps someday even teach the history he had fallen in love with. Arlen now travels Atlas to learn and perhaps teach what he knows, he strives to be a poet and historian of the highest caliber. His greatest dream is to see something he wrote be added to the Library of the Eternal College, the institution that had snubbed him due to his “un-pure” blood.
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