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Everything posted by CheekyPanda000

  1. CheekyPanda000


    My mother once told me that on the night of my birth I was as silent as a clear night sky, and the moment I opened my eyes she knew I was to be a special child. She said 'The Mother' had blessed me, giving me deep blue eyes, but my father said Cernunnos gifted me with the silence of a great hunter. I suppose I am both. Never am I far from my bow and I enjoy the company of the wild more than the company of my kin. All my life I have heard the tales of great wars and fierce battles, of fabled hunters and the Druids of old. It is time for me to leave my family home on the outer reaches of Linandria and venture deep into the depths of the forests. Now is my time to venture to the farthest corners Atlas and make my mark on the world; to discover it I truly was blessed by The Mother to make a difference or marked by The Father to become the greatest hunter ever known.
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