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Everything posted by Xlon

  1. Xlon


    Vardric Steel was born to a Dwavern. couple named Daxton and Reime in the mountain city of Kazulrah. The two ran a wealthy trading business between various races and were very well respected for being fair traders. The business was called Steel Mining and Trading Company. Daxton wished for Vardric to inherit the business, while Reime was more open minded as to what Vardric wanted to do. Vardric was very ambitious and dreamed of exploring vast new regions, but Daxton quickly shut that dream down by forbidding him to. This made Vardric a bit sour towards his father. At a young age Vardric took up an axe rather than a pickaxe and loved picking fights with the other young Dwarves. He gained a reputation for being a dirty fighter as he hardly played fair in any fight he was in. Daxton did not approve of his behavior, but Reime was able to convince him that it was just him being a kid. Daxton reluctantly agreed with his wife and figured that he would turn into a fine Cavern Dwarf to run the family business. As Vardric got older, Daxton’s belief in this deteriorated bit by bit. Every fight, every sparring match, every bloody nose drove him farther up the wall than before. As always, Reime was able to calm his nerves. Then tragedy struct. While Reime was sailing towards Warhawke to deliver an order of precious gems and weapons, her ship was completely obliterated leaving no trace of her or the ship. Daxton grew angry with the Dark Elves and blamed them for her death, but he never had any evidence. He went on and on about how he would get his revenge every night to Vardric. Vardric was heartbroken about Reime as well, and for once in his life he and his father shared something in common: the hate for Dark Elves. Soon after Reime’s death Daxton cut off all trade with the Dark Elves and refused to merely speak with one. Daxton pushed Vardric to become a normal Dwarf even harder and without Reime there to convince him otherwise Vardric gave in for the most part. He began mining and crafting, using the muscles that he gained from fighting for all those years. His first creation was a golden necklace that contained his mothers family emerald that had been passed down from generation to generation. Around the time Vardric reached 50 years old his father was killed in a mining accident. In his will he left Vardric his entire collection of gems, along with complete control of the trading business. Wanting to appease his parents, he took up the business while still training to become a warrior. As he got older the curse of Ibless started to affect him worse than before and he sometimes woke in the middle of the night to be surrounded by gems and riches. Over the years he has left more and more of the business to close family friends as he is more interested in exploring the world and finding new places. Nowadays he spends more time away and exploring than he does running his business. That however is not the end of his story. Vardric Steel’s story has only just begun.
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