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Everything posted by Coffee_Hype

  1. Coffee_Hype


    A Kaedreni, Evelin lives on her own in the Empire of Man, currently residing at Carolustadt as a sheep farmer. Quiet and held back, she makes conversation only when needed. Her parents told stories to remind her from where she came from and to be proud, for the fires of pride for Gaekrin still burned. The majority of her family was lost when the plague hit, but her immediate family managed to escape. Unfortunately, later when her family settled down, her father, a proud merchant, died on the road from bandits, stealing gold and goods. Her mother died of grief soon after. Evelin makes her trade by crafting yarn, though her father was a merchant, being a woman meant only house life. She takes to selling wool she makes from her sheep for clothes and other wares. She is currently unmarried. Before the death of her mother, Evelin was given a drum for her birthday. Evelin took to it well, often taking time out of the day to sit down and play. The music was Evelin’s only form of relief from grief and a break from the farm. Evelin sees herself as strong and independent, head held high and hoping for a better tomorrow. Each day is a new challenge for her, making sure the sheep are taken care of, taking care of herself, seeing what she can sell on the market, and keeping out of trouble and good with the law. She is seen as bull headed and would tend to rush into situations boldly and without thought of repercussions. Evelin has a kind heart and likes to see the goodness in people rather than judging them harshly. Her trust in others is her weakness, sometimes being bribed out of money or too gullible to understand the cruel nature of others.
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