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Everything posted by Aniquin

  1. Aniquin


    I was born in a small dwelling, deep in the forest. My family lived alone there to further our connection with the gods and nature itself. From a young age, my father trained me with the bow; living away from civilization, hunting was our main source of food so the skill was an absolute necessity. At the age of 67, I met an unfamiliar man who called himself a Druid. The man told me there were many others like me, even a city full! The idea of an entire city full of people like me was an intriguing one for sure. From that day on, I made it my personal goal to find this place, seek out my people, and learn all that I can about who I am. Upon my travels, I learned the name of this city, Linandria. I have yet to reach my goal but my destiny is clear.
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