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  • Character Name
    Faris Audacia
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf
  1. I saw your post and tried o fix the issues. Could you please take another look at it? Thank You.
  2. Princess_Flame_


    My character is in military, since she is 20. She doesnt have any siblings and lives with her parents in a normal sized house in Fenn. She was born in Fenn and always wanted to be in military, since she was 6 or 7 years old. Sometimes she played being a soldier with her parents. She always was very curios, so it was very difficult to keep things secret. As she turned 20 her parents allowed her to go to the military. She was pretty good, and trained very hard to get a good fighter. As she was young, her parents always read the story of the snow elves to her, because that was her favourite. Today she tells the newcomers in the military the same stories her parents told her.
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