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Everything posted by GrumpyAvery

  1. GrumpyAvery


    Alecs was born in 1664, he grew up in the colder, bitter isolation that many highlanders grow up in, him and his parents living in a small community in the south. This small town, quaint and picturesque, was full of hardy and competent people that taught him to fight in his own unorthodox way, smashing tree trunks with fists encased in metal gauntlets. Elven traders and visitors visited this town often, doing good business with his merchant family. Growing up was naturally hard, but being surrounded by competence made him the same- the town had a simple problem, though. It’s bloated arrogance led to its fierce warriors being prepared for a brutish orc attack during the Atlas Coalition war- instead, they were quickly snapped up and killed in various ways by goblins, assassinating, starving, trapping or simply blowing the town to pieces. Orcs mopped up any survivors, and of course, either taking them as slaves or simply ending their lives. The only ones to get away, were the Dennis family, Alec's family. They journeyed and trekked over taiga, mountains, plains, following the rivers to the closest human settlement- Belvitz, where they sold whatever they had left to start their new lives as Highlanders in Adria, Balvitz.
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