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  1. Suske


    There was once a girl named Nouveau, she just turned 50 years. She had bright green eyes, deep brown hair and olive skin. She wears a green clothes because it reminded her most of nature and she had always her bow on her what once belonged to her Mother. She lived in a small village in Atlas the area is really overgrown but her dream was always to visit the islands surrounding it. She lived with her grandmother. Nouveau’s parents are both banned for practicing the dark arts shortly after her birth. Nouveau stays curious about them. She has no siblings what she knows of. But her grandmother Einor was like a mother to her. Einor worked as a painter and was pretty well know in the area. While Nouveua would stay at home and clean and cooked. At one night Nouveau woke up from a strange sound by her window. It wasnt the normal sound of nature in her peaceful village. She calmy reached for her bow while getting out of bed. But what Nouveau would see next she could never guessed. It where her parents. She couldnt figure out if she should be happy or angry. But onr thing was sure her life was about to change that night.
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