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  1. DerKonig


    Yiyou Lao was born to a nomadic family, who worked odd jobs all around Oren and practiced Druidic traditions, making a general pilgrimage to the Druids Grove every year. This tradition carried on till Yiyou was 16, where his mother had given birth to a younger brother. Yiyou stayed behind while working in a village in order to make more money to support his child brother until he is of age to work. He stayed a while in Judah, attempting to sell fabrics, and then followed the path of his family, until he came upon an upturned wagon. Upon further investigation, he found this wagon to be that of a raider band that had been holding multiple slaves for auction, his family’s garments among the wreckage. He searched the surrounding area for a week without eating and lightly drinking, before finding their decaying bodies half eaten in a pit in the ground. Searching for his family’s killers, he became bitter and closed off. It wasn’t until he was around the age of 40 that he began to take in the principles of his late father, and he began journeying around the Oren, to help and guide as many people as he could. His years of vengeance seeking had taken a toll on his body, and now he suffers with slight sight lose, but he retains his keen hearing and hand to hand combat skills.
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