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  2. KGBV


    Fare'kieum, whom likes to go by Fare, is a hunter by hobby and trade. He was born and raised in the city of Talar’ikur. When he began his military training in the Ivae’fenn at 15 he was very scrawny and was looked down upon due to him not being able to properly fight with a sword and shield. An officer took pity on him and gave him a bow and arrow instead. Fare was a virtuoso when it came to using a bow instantly gaining respect with his ability to hit a moving target 100m away. after serving his mandatory military time, he knew he wanted to have a job in which he could use his natural talent, so becoming a hunter was the natural choice. Fare spends most of his time out in the wilderness hunting wild animals and slaying the occasional beast. When he is not out on the hunt he likes sit in the corner of the tavern and have a drink by himself , Exploring the city and reading tales that the Human bards have written.
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