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Everything posted by Exlanious

  1. Exlanious


    Hello! I am very happy to see this result, and is very happy to make improvements! I looked at your suggestions, and changed based off of it. I hope I can get in and start developing this strong community!
  2. Exlanious


    Exlanious is a curious boy. When he was born, he crawled around, looking for new things to discover. during his young years, his parents loved him, and card a lot about him, but eventually everyone will leave. At the age of 12, he parents left him in others care, and left for a journey to an unknown place, but they never came back. Their family was separated, and young Exlanious was abandoned, all by himself. Later in his life, he came by many friends, and developed a strong and joyful personality. He cheers people up, and helps young and old ones in the village. but also at the same time, he spent his own time doing experiments and inventions with the material that no one used ever: Redstone. In the legends, they said that redstone can move forces, and is extremely dangerous. Exlanious later discovered that it is very useful, and can automate things when the conditions are just right! he created a hidden lair in the Frozen Pines, and continued to invent experiment with this new thing. Sometimes, Exlanious is very sad of his loss of parents, but he never gave up faith. He always believed that his parents are out there, waiting for him to find them, and unlock something more powerful, more beautiful than anything imaginable. He know deep inside his heart that his parents is alive.
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