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Everything posted by cassxe

  1. cassxe


    Backstory: Emilie Archambault was born to Jakob and Noemie Archambault in the last month of 1672 (The Grand Harvest(?)). For the most part, Emilie led a normal childhood filled with youthful pleasures like birthdays, playdates with the neighbor girls, and wandering the streets of the city hoping to find spare coins to spend. After the construction of the Imperial City of Carolustadt, in which her father was employed to help build and design, the family moved there and settled in. However, Emilie, on the cusp of adulthood, soon moved out to start a life of her own. Personality: Emilie tends to be more of a quiet girl and often thinks before she speaks. However, she is not shy. Far from being an introvert, Emilie will actively seek out social interaction. Like mentioned before, she prefers to listen, but won’t hesitate to carry on a conversation, especially if it involves a subject she finds interest in. Involvement in magic, for example, would immediately peak her interest and provoke several intrigued questions from her. She can be insecure though, and that insecurity often presents itself when attention is draw to her. Finally, Emilie is a person easily controlled by fear threat of embarrassment and can easy be manipulated through fear-tactics and blackmail. Goals: - Emilie, who has just recently “flown the coop,” wishes to find a place for herself in the world. Ideally, she would like to find a job working in a tavern where she could potentially come into contact with someone willing to teach her magic. - She is eager to make acquaintances and friends with the people of this city, as she had left her old ones behind when her family moved to Carolustadt. - Her dream job would be to start up a pet trading and selling business, if she can ever get over her fear of wolves.
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