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Everything posted by EbonRed

  1. EbonRed


    Kai was born to a pair of wood elven entertainers that decided to leave the traditional elven lifestyle of the Dominion of Malin ,not long after he was born, where they travelled with a caravan of like-minded individuals going from town to town performing acts such as fortune-telling, acrobatics and plays. As he grew up he largely followed in his parents footsteps but didn’t take to the songs and dances and more to the pickpocketing, the occasional bit of burglary and if a drunken man decided to cause trouble, a bare-knuckle brawl. not long after Kai became an adult in elven culture his parents lost their desire for travel and desired to return to their former life in the Dominion but Kai wished to remain travelling the world and did not desire to return to a homeland he never knew and so parted ways with his parents to keep walking the open road as a drifter, occasionally falling in with the odd back alley gang for a few years and other undesirables. During his time with these gangs he refined his skills in breaking and entering and ,in the event of a job going terribly wrong or getting attacked by other gangs, how to handle a blade and where to stick it in a man.
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