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Everything posted by Corinthius

  1. Corinthius


    Corinthius hails from the Kingdom of Renatus. His father was a merchant who was well-traveled, and his mother was a housewife who encouraged Corinthius to pursue more than a human education. As a merchant family, they came across many different races, some friendly and others not as friendly. Corinthius’ father somewhat befriended an orcish shaman. Corinthius was able to learn a few fighting tricks from the orcs, but they were not allowed to stay long. His family traded with elves as well. His mother was extremely fascinated with the powerful might of elvish magic. His family was open-minded and welcoming of other races. Corinthius was encouraged by his parents to learn from what all the races have to offer. Corinthius could be considered tall, being right at six foot, but he does not stand out too much amongst a group of highlanders. What he lacks in unique ability, he makes up for through his well-rounded personality. Although his swordsmanship skills are not the greatest, Corinthius is a quick learner. He also longs to fulfill his mother’s dream of wielding magic. The journey of his family was cut short when a group of bandits attacked them on the road. Both of his parents were killed. Before the bandits could finish off Corinthius, a powerful mage came to the rescue. With a swift motion and a blinding light, the mage defeated the bandits. However, Corinthius was wounded; he was shot by an arrow. The world around him began to grow dark. The last thing he could hear was the mage speaking an incantation. He could not make out most of the words, but the mage concluded with the words “Cloud Temple”. That is when Corinthius began to lose total consciousness. With great ambitions and a thirst for adventure, Corinthius hoped this would not be the end of his journey.
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