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Everything posted by FatherPineTree

  1. FatherPineTree


    Garriondel was born on a small farm out in the far reaches of The Kingdom of Renatus. His mother died during labor, leaving him only to his father whom became earnest in his loss to teach his son everything he knew. Garriondel’s father worked leather for a living, and was an expert marksman. He taught his son from near infancy the way of the bow and the fleshing tool. Garriondel grew to be a fine young man, though quite mischievous and inappropriate at times, he surpassed his father’s teachings and became everything his father wanted and more. Sadly, his father was stricken by illness, and passed at the age of seventy. The farm was later usurped by a baron of Renatus, and Garriondel did not want to work fields that were not his own. He grabbed few things before leaving the comfort of the home he once knew (That being his father’s bow and quiver, and his mother’s sapphire necklace). Garriondel was heartbroken, yet his father taught him well the value of vigilance. Having no permanent home and nobody to care for, he set out on his journey as an adventurer.
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