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Everything posted by TheSpartanSK

  1. TheSpartanSK


    Born in a cave of Krugmar Javie was born on the red sand under Uruk. He was raised following Jevex and to have a plan for everything. He grew up slightly smarter than the other kubs in his cave, often showing-off his intellectual feats with his creations. He then gained the mentality of a perfectionist some years after his conception, this caused the lost friends due to him getting annoyed at those who assisted him with his wild creations for doing something wrong. Javie’s creations are very durable but their inner workings are fragile and must be handled with extreme care and precision that the other goblins in his cave did not posses. Javie now works on his creations alone as he has yet to meet anyone with the capability to handle his works. What didn’t help was the times Javie would miss out on something he was told due to his unwavering focus. However one day a rather interesting character entered the cave. It was another orc, larger than what Javie has ever been accustomed to. It was an uruk that dwarfed him in size, but not so much in intellect; not to say he was stupid but that Javie was simply smarter. While the rest of the goblins in the cave feared him Javie wasn’t afraid. He felt that the uruk could have been of use to him and that they could find a mutual understanding. Plus worst case scenario if the uruk was to do anything Javie felt that he had the knowledge to take him down.. or at the very least survive. It was later discovered that the uruk’s name was Magra, Magra the Brute. The two got along fairly well in comparison to how everyone else would get along with the two. Javie has now found someone to help with his creations, and a new purpose for them. Magra would set out and help Javie get components he needed for his inventions and in turn Javie would create new weapons and tools to be used at Magra’s discretion. Magra would only continue to visit a few years after his first arrival at the cave, only staying for a very limited amount of time. When Javie came of age he tried exploring on his own to see what he could find, he was looking for things to study to improve his inventions. He wants to create inventions envied and revered by the world. He knew that in order to do this he could not simply use his own works, but he must adapt and incorporate new things to rise above the rest. However in one of his first explorations he realized that he wouldn’t get by with just his inventions; at least not yet. Therefore he waited for Magra’s next visit to seek a more permanent arrangement. The two agreed and would go out exploring together, eventually turning into a friendship they agreed to watch each other’s back. They continued this way of life up until now; where this dynamic duo can be found in the orc city enjoying life with the occasional challenge or in the wildlands where new creations are tested for their combat ability and utility effectiveness.
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