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Everything posted by Reledy

  1. Reledy


    Ania never felt like she fit in among the other wood elves. Her parents were merchants that had died hen she was very young resulting in the whole town taking it upon themselves to raise her. They fed her, Gave her places to sleep and clothes on her back. She loved them yes, but she never had a family. No motherly bond. She tried to get them to pay attention to her, dying her hair crazy colors and doing obnoxious stunts in the middle of the square. She was often talked about poorly by the town the older and more attention seeking she became. They didn’t care for her, she knew they didn’t. She then made it a goal to find where she really did belong, maybe find someone that cares, and see the glorious realm that was just outside of reach in childhood. She’ll never forget where she came from, but its time for her to move on. On Ania’s adventures she has learned many things, tattooed on her own seed and learned how to stay safe. She’s a kind soul and really enjoys eating and sleeping when ever she can. She’s extremely forgiving which may eventually catch up to her. Ania is hopeful that she will find a home at one point.
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