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Everything posted by Tasty_Tater

  1. Tasty_Tater


    Earnist Agatha Baker is a tense young woman who has her aunts name and her middle name belonged to her mother. She was to be sold off as a wife to a wealthier family in exchange for a goat, however when the trade was taking place the opposing family was so disgusted that Earnist's family was actually going to trade their daughters hand for a single goat that they just stole her. Earnist was despised by her mother for the incorrect spelling of her name that her drunken father had given her, her Aunts name was Earnest and her mother wanted to honor her sister who passed trying to protect her from their father when they were young. Her new family, however, planned on sacrificing her to Iblees in an attempt to convince the Arch-Daemon to give them immortality. This, of course didn't work because Iblees is in the void and their sacrifice ran away. Earnist would wander around the town of Judah until she accidentally trespassed onto someones property which caused her to flee nearer to Diminion. Earnist would most commonly be referred to as one of the Farfolk even though she was born in Judah. Earnist would barely be able to survive only occasionally going back to Judah to try and steal food. Earnist would proceed to follow the road getting closer and closer to the Diminion before eventually getting tired and settling at a stream near Diminion and Druids Grove.
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