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  1. Surwatson was born in a small town in The Empire of Man during the first Coalitian war. His father was a poor farmer, and his mother died in child birth. Surwatson could not attend school, or get any kind of education because his family was very unwealthy. So he worked on his father’s farm, and harvested crops. At the age of six, far after Renatus won the First and Second Coalitian war, Surwatson began to take fascination to the outside world. he wanted to see what was beyond the mountains, and over the hills. But unfortunately to his dismay, his father forbid it, saying that it was to dangerous, wars or not, and that he still needed help on the farm. So Surwatson stayed on his fathers farm, and continued harvesting crops. once he turned ten, Surwatson told himself that if he was ever going to see the world, he would needed to be educated. So he began stealing books from his neighbors, and tought himself how to read. Unfortunately one time he was caught and was whipped for it. Surwatson knew that his father would never let him leave, so he took maters into his own hands. He made a plan to escape the isolation of his town on his 20th Birthday. when the day came, he packed all his favorite fruits, ink and paper, and a book on world cultures. Surwatson wrote a detailed apology to his father, and promised to one day return. Then, he set off into the night. Finally, the world, the life, the adventure, the freedom to explore, was now in his grasp. At last, his hopes and dreams, could come true, and his journey begins.
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