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Everything posted by Mintharsul

  1. Mintharsul


    Amiably amended, I hope?
  2. Mintharsul


    …It seems like it was only yesterday that Gisep was born, nestled between the bespeckled shadow of the forest’s canopy and the leafy floor below – and as it happens, this particular Halfling is completely devoid of the slightest inkling about his past prior to last afternoon. He awoke a little ways off of...some sort of roadside, lingering possessions scattered about as haphazardly as the remnants of his sanity over what could’ve proceeded before that incident; yet despite the state of his cracked skull and catatonic state, he arose the all the better for himself, determined to survive and prosper as he’s...somewhat certain his ancestors have done for millennia...or was it decades? Indeed, to prove his weight in the world he immediately set about the task of discovering just how important he was - and having so far discovered the following history-altering traits, even decided to do a quick recap for the score book: Some strange, foggy barrier perpetually surrounds him in every direction - no matter where he looks, it’s always there...lurking...watching...obfuscating his view. This must surely be a sign of divine intervention. He saw a particularly pretty tree nearby his resting place, and it immediately took the form of a beautiful spirit right before his very eyes! He’s about 10% certain that she walked over and kissed his forehead for good luck, and about 5% certain a barn owl didn’t attempt to make off with his hair at that very moment in time; he’s currently uncertain as to where the remaining 94% got away to. This must also be a sign of divine intervention. Through the power of SHEER CHARISMA, he was able to convince a passerby that he was, in fact, not a zombie. Following this, he was also able to convince the stranger to beat a path less traveled, conveniently leaving behind a delicious few potatoes and a nice cap for covering up his matted clumps of hair. If this isn’t divine intervention at this point, it’s at the very least one hell of a series of coincidences... ...Perhaps too coincidental... Stranded at the footsteps of Destiny with only a pair of nicked potatoes and a bout of amnesia to his name, Gisep has since determined that there can only be one thing for it: ...P R O S P E R I T Y. He has since decided to become a money-lender in what he’s heard is his native home of Dunshire, as he’s fairly certain that this profession will strike the ideal middle ground between nourishing wealth and social accolades; And if it should ever be the case that this is NOT TRUE, then let the skies open up and strike him down on the spot where he squats in trepidatious expectation! “Regardless, dhe folk of Dunshire seem an awfully kind lo’, and ‘ed be much obliged to ‘ave a gad bi’ a ‘elp in ‘is turn - as all ‘alflings ought te’ fer their kind and kin!"”
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