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Everything posted by XxWolfie291xX

  1. XxWolfie291xX


    Mike was born after the migration from Axios to Atlas in the year 1656. Mike was born in the Heartlands, the Kingdom of Marna to be exact, and he was studying well in his classes. In his free time, Mike traveled around the Kingdom and play with his friends. Later into his life, he started training to become a solider in the Kingdom of Haense. He was assigned to be an assassin due to his incredible stealth skill. While serving in a war, he was slashed across the face under his eye, almost blinding him. He was sent out of the military to recover. He then started to get into a life of crime back in the Kingdom of Marna. He was wanted by the people he had stolen from, so he grabbed a robe from his old home. He wears the hood up every time he is in a public spot, not to be noticed. He became very anxious and began to not trust anyone around him and stopped talking to people all together after everyone learned about his crimes. He soon took a liking to wolves as how some would be lone, so he changed his name to “Wolfie”. He now talks to people, but only a select few, and when someone says that he looks familiar, he denies anything they try to push on him.
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