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Everything posted by Zellorin

  1. Zellorin


    it is done my good sir.
  2. Zellorin


    violets parents where scam artists traveling from town to town running from the law, after violets mother thia and father drake found out that thia was having a baby they settled down in Ruriksgrad. fast forward a few years now violet was 10 her parents told her stories of there past and she wanted to be like them so she started to try and scam people that didn't go so well as she spent most her time locked up. fast forward some more now violet was 15 she has given up on scamming people instead she has turned to thieving she was pretty good at first in the first few years she only got caught 7 times, only 4 got her sent to jail. fast forward about 2 years now violet had left Ruriksgrad and going to other towns to rob and travel . fast forward she is now 19 and felt like going home to see ma and pa but when she got back to Ruriksgrad she found that her parents where killed by someone they robbed along time before violet was even born. so violet sat by the ashtree in Ruriksgrad and a man walked up to her it was her old neighbor and they sat and talked for hours and the man left, after words violet set off to travel the world and to leave all of her old ties behind but that didn't last long not she is back but this time she works stealing for other that hire her.
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