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Everything posted by aimclhch

  1. aimclhch


    Snow elves as a whole are the most progressive of all elves meaning they know when to arrive with poise and rational but also when to stand their ground when they feel threatened by certain anomalies, Astrid is no exception to this. Despite her training that began at the age of 15, she is still quite weary when it comes to others. This however does not mean she is not welcoming, she is simply cautious due to tragedies regarding her people in the past. She has a strong trust in her government which she finds sacred and treats people as she feels they should be treated despite gender, race or any other attribute. Whether this be with affection or discourtesy is all up to the way she is treated. Though she deathly fears breaking the law as a cautious person, she puts all of her faith into the Princedom of Fenn. One of her worst fears is accidentally intruding on the crown as she fears she is one day likely to do due to her impulsive nature.
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