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Everything posted by Fallen_Relic

  1. Fallen_Relic


    Vesirus was born in the city-state of Sutica to two loving parents. Both were Wood Elves, though his father had High Elven ancestry. As such Vesirus grew up to have lighter skin and hair compared to other Wood Elves in addition to being taller. He was very close to his father. His father, being a hunter, would take Vesirus with him to catch game. He taught Vesirus the ways of hunting: how to moving silently through the woods, how to follow the trails of prey, and how to strike true with a bow. When he and his father would return to Sutica, Vesirus saw the city as a chaotic, overwhelming mess compared to the beautiful design of the wilds. His father was proud of his Elven heritage and made sure to teach Vesirus their history and traditions. Above all others, Vesirus cherished the lessons about the Aspects most of all. Cerridwen’s and Cernunnos’s creations were infinitely more beautiful than the bustling metropolis he found himself in. As he grew older and his disdain for city life blossomed, Vesirus yearned to leave. When he turned 50, an adult in Elven culture, he packed up his things and headed out into the unknown. Now out in the world on his own, Vesirus seeks out those devoted to the Aspects: the Druids. Perhaps his restless soul will finally be at peace among likeminded people.
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