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Everything posted by Arminius

  1. Arminius


    Born to a moderately wealthy mother from a merchant background and an unknown nobleman, Jean was never destined for anything except his grandparent’s scorn. Jean never met his father and because his mother was unwed upon his conception he was not looked upon favourably by his grandparents. He was 13 when his mother died of an unknown illness, and his grandparents finally made good on their promise to send him into the Canonist Church for a religious education, mainly because it would cost them nothing and effectively disinherit him from their wealth. In the parish he would learn of the Canonist faith, of the infinite power of Creator, of the sanctity of the Aenguls, of the wisdom of Horen I, and most importantly of the importance of the Canonist doctrine. It was this strong belief in orthodoxy and strict following of doctrine which led him to be disillusioned with the church, and especially Pontian II, who he sees as a traitor to the faith. Jean managed to keep these views relatively secret until a heated debate broke out in his parish between the local Father and the head of the village, the dispute was about the church’s claiming of private property to build upon but Jean accidentally let some of his views slip, he was very quickly expelled from the parish and lived homeless for nearly a year. Until a nobleman by the name of Vauquelin Des Rosiers decided to take pity on him and take him into his court. What amused Vauquelin was Jean’s incredible lack of any filter and inability to know when to shut up. He now travels with Vauquelin as a lightly paid retainer, swearing his life for a place in his household to live.
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