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Everything posted by bmmbrd

  1. bmmbrd


    Mandor was born in Nordengrad. His parents died at the siege of Nordengrad in the Third Atlas Coalition War and he ran until he met some pirates who took pity on him and took him in. He grew up raiding coastal towns and hijacking merchant ships with his new pirate family, during which he learned of the trades of the sea, the knowledge of sailing and the skills of swordplay. At one point while pirating he lost and eye. He claims he lost it while fighting a sea serpent but the story is dubious at best. He and his crew were attempting to make landfall when storm arose and blew them into some rocks, wrecking the ship. Mandor was the only survivor. He now wanders the lands as bandit robbing those with wealth. He also has begun to search for the people who murdered his parents and take revenge on those who destroyed his old city.
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