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Everything posted by dukeofhell666

  1. dukeofhell666


    I am a poor low life thief from my the Moli family. We were once a proud family of military people. Then our family was banished for supposedly stealing. I then became a outlaw and joined the gang Akasuki. They taught me how to be a amazing archer then one day. We were ambushing this lady and it turned out that we were actually set up. And after that I became a travelling mercenary and I started working for people and then i wanted to retire then i found my wife. But this I where I make my story true cause I am a outlaw. I want to change my life but I know I cant so. I try to do good as a mercenary for the good people and i protect and do everything possible to make amends. I don’t believe in god or any gods so they call me Autaro the Godless.
  2. dukeofhell666


    I am Autaro moli. I come from the dark lands. I am an experienced archer. I escaped from the dark elves with my wife. I used to be on the great army of the dark elves intel i learned of what happened to my father and mother and my brother.
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