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  1. Bralin


    Bralin is an orphan. He’s never met his parents. He was found by a dwarven family at a very young age and raised amongst their children. He never really got along with dwarves of his age. He’d rather spend time with elder dwarves at the forge helping them and running errands. He’s got quite a reputation as a handful blacksmith when he had been helping other dwarves. Working at the forge allowed him to earn some money and he could start buying some more advanced materials than before. He still could not afford any forging equipment of his own, so during daytime he was helping other blacksmiths at the forge and in return, he could stay at night using the forge to craft weapons and armors. He manufactured some fine items and was soon appreciated by traveling merchants, who were eager to work with him. He was 20 by then. Because of the fact that he’s been in a company of merchants and traders, he’s speaking common language quite well. The idyllic situation had not lasted long though. He went to the surface one day to meet one of the traders and strike quite a deal. Unfortunately, it was an ambush, the trader wanted to apprehend Bralin and put him into slavery to work for him. Bralin did not intend to go with them willingly, he put up a fight which had caused him his eye and a few scars. He’d been a slave for over eighteen years. The place he was held at was very well guarded. Due to the fact that he had been held captive for most of his life, he has never travelled much across Kingdom of Agnarum. He’s heard legends and stories about Kal'Urguan and he really wanted to see it one day. One night, however, Bralin sniffed and opportunity to escape. He was supposed to transport a shipment of ore with other slaves. Whilst traveling in a canyon, he just jumped off a cliff into a ravine. He did not hope to survive that jump, he did not expect that. For some reason Bralin had managed to open his eyes once again. He went down the stream into some cave. Exhausted, dehydrated and with a hypothermia, Bralin managed to crawl out of the cave. It was a dangerous adventure, but a new one starts now for Bralin. After crawling out of that cave he had seen the sunlight once again, hopefully a brighter future is ahead of him. Lost, confused, with little knowledge of the outside world, Bralin takes a next step.
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