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Everything posted by Nukestye

  1. Nukestye


    Elorru was born on Atlas in the Dominion of Mali to an ordinary pair of ‘Ker. His father was an auxiliary soldier and his mother did nothing other than housekeeping. He realized life would be boring as a farmer or smith, so he turned to the guard for an adventurer’s life. He learned quickly the horrors of war but became jaded to them; eventually leaving the guard for a more prosperous life. After traveling for a few years he learned many things from other nations: The Imperials are ‘ker haters and his own people would consider him ‘white washed’ if he hung out with valah folk. He turned to simple toll banditing, which was probably the most boring thing to do on imperial roads, and eventually left the southern realm, moving north to the Warhawkes. There, he learned his heritage as a Mali’ker, and after leaving Atlas, he is determined to make more of a life than he had before.
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