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    P'ozuu Vendel
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  1. Pozu


    P'ozuu Vendel is a human from the wooded region, in between Diminoin and Krugmar. He is a tough, hardworking man. During his childhood, he typically went exploring with his father who was a lumberjack and a trader. Together they traded and explored throughout Diminoin and Krugmar. As P’ozuu got older he became aware that he too wanted to become a trader. He started exploring the lands near his home and became very good at mapping. As a young man, he moved to Krugmar and enjoyed conversing with others around the area. However, this lifestyle just didn’t seem right for P’ozuu and he realized that he was a much more adventurous person. He moved away from Krugmar on horseback and left most everything behind, carrying just the clothes on his back and an axe that his father had given him. P’ozuu now resides on the rural lands surrounding Holm where both he and his horse, Artax, live. He is never afraid to take on a new adventure.
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